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70s invasion ; Turkish Girls ; SENAY, ZAFER , ADJA


SENAY released this 45 in '74, she was from turkey.......'Gercek Nerde / Beyaz ?ke'


ZAFER also from turkey released this lp in '77, this is kinda funky folk music leaning towards an asian sound.......ZAFER DILEK - OYUN HAVALARI


AJDA PEKKAN was a turkish singer, this single came out in '77, cool outfit, wish my girlfriend would dress like this !

Somewhere in the galaxies . . . .

. . . there is a small planet. Once it was a paradise. Ages ago it became a focal point in a system-wide battle of Light and Darkness.

Aliens arrived and corrupted its lifewaves. After many centuries, a Supreme Exemplar of the Light came to expose those who personified the Darkness. And to give the inhabitants the keys to defeating them.

Many of His Teachings were written down. But after He had taken His leave, "the wicked," as He called His detractors, tampered with the Sacred Scriptures - destroying some, deleting and altering critical passages of others.

The wicked were largely successful in wiping out all traces of their evil doings - and even their identity. For centuries they wreaked havoc on an unsuspecting world, creating wars, economic catastrophes and persecutions, keeping many of the people in religious and political bondage.

But at a crucial turning point in the history of that planet, the Valiant One, watching from other dimensions, returned and gave His Lost Teachings to His Messengers. They wrote them in a book and sent it far and wide so that all those who espoused the Light would find it and save their souls and their planet.

This is not fiction. The planet is Earth. The time is now.

see this iste on the LOST TEACHINGS of JESUS for more info ~